Monday, December 1, 2008

Game Night at the Jensen's!

Last Winter we had family game nights all the time. When summer hit we were outside all the time and never home, so we stopped doing game nights.

Sunday we got started again. Kyson was playing with his cousin, so he wasn't there. He tries as hard as he can to beat me, (he is his Father's son) so it was a much quieter game last night. We started off with CandyLand. Usually we pop some Popcorn, but we are smack out of it!
Sage is the Queen of CandyLand, and of course, beat us all. Way to go Sageycakes!!!

Then we played the family favorite. Blokus. If you don't have this, I suggest you get it. Its great for all ages (Sage is starting to be able to figure it out) You have to think and plan ahead, so its great for the adults too!

The first round Farren won, and the second round I won. Woohoo!!! (I beat him by a ton, but winning isn't everything so I won't gloat!)

It was tons of fun, and can't wait til Sunday again! We do need game suggestions though. We almost always play Blokus and Crocodile Dentist. If you have a favorite game, PLEASE leave it in the comments.

When we were younger, my friend Michelle had a game I think was called THIN ICE. You had wet marbles that you had to put on a stretched peice of tissue and whoever broke it lost. I loved that game, but can't find it anywhere. I also remember when I got JENGA for Christmas and slept over at their house and her Mom stayed up til what felt like SO late playing it with us.
Lots of fun, but we are ready for a new game!


April Mitchell said...

Too fun! We have never played Blokus-we will have to get it. Have you gone to a SimplyFun game party? They have the BEST family games. They are kind of pricey...but if you host a party you get them cheaper. We love Sneaks and Something Fishy the best. Sure miss Scrabble and Spegghetti though!!

Sarah said...

That looks like fun! Family game nights are a good idea for winter, may have to start that.
Justin and I sound like you guys, we are competitive against each other.:)

Oh, the words above my window say 'Bless Our Home As The Children Grow.'

vickicon said...

I noticed when I was at Barnes & Noble that there is a new Trivial Pursuit out that has three levels of questions so all ages are supposed to play. Haven't heard if it's good, but I'm interested as I really liked the orignal T.P.

Beli said...

Hey there. We really have been enjoying a game called pictureka. It has 9 boards, all double sided and you go in a cirle taking turns rolling the dice. There are three cards, one is a solo turn, one is a whoever bets highest, and the third is who ever is the fastest. It has all sorts of goofy pictures and you have to find the correct one, or the correct amount of one thing. It's been great for all my kids, age 9, 7 and 4. Even the adults have a good time. I highly recomend it.

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